
Our goals in Community are organizing activities at IEEE VIS conference that connect the current and next generation of visualization researchers and practitioners. We do this by providing conference activities to participants for all of the various visualization sub-communities: scientific visualization, information visualization, visual analytics, industry, etc.

The Community activities are open to all registered IEEE VIS participants, regardless of seniority and affiliation. The activities are organized by the IEEE VIS Community Chairs, who can be reached at

This year, Community will host the following events and activities:

VisBuddies Meetup

VisBuddies brings together new and returning VIS attendees with similar interests. For newcomers, this is a chance to meet experienced researchers in the field. For returning attendees, it is a chance to meet new members joining VIS and welcome them into our community.

Example VisBuddies activities include:

  • Build connections between experienced researchers and new members of the VIS community
  • Discuss interesting sessions to attend
  • Share tips on successful research

VisBuddies Signup Form

Job Flyer Online Posting

Do you have a job you are seeking to fill?

If so, please complete this online form and we will include your posting on the You can also use this form to sign up to host a “table” at the Job Fair.

VIS Community Job Posting Form

Links to the Job Postings will be included on the

VIS Job Fair Meetup

At the VIS conference, we will host a meetup session that connects job seekers and researchers with employers, staff, and faculty. This includes all types of job opportunities: staff, industry positions, software engineers, faculty, post-docs, etc., and all types of job seekers from students to practitioners.

To participate, please join us at the event during VIS 2024.


For more information contact IEEE VIS 2024 Community Chairs:

  • Ali Sarvghad, University of Massachusstes Amherst
  • Isaac Cho, Utah State University
  • Georgia Panagiotidou, King’s College London
