IEEE VIS 2024 Content: Eliciting Multimodal and Collaborative Interactions for Data Exploration on Large Vertical Displays

Eliciting Multimodal and Collaborative Interactions for Data Exploration on Large Vertical Displays

Gabriela Molina León -

Petra Isenberg -

Andreas Breiter -

Room: Bayshore V

2024-10-16T16:48:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page
Exemplar figure, described by caption below
One person taps on the large vertical display to position an annotation on a bar chart, while the second one waits to perform a speech command to complete the annotation.
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Multimodal interaction, collaborative work, large vertical displays, elicitation study, spatio-temporal data


We examined user preferences to combine multiple interaction modalities for collaborative interaction with data shown on large vertical displays. Large vertical displays facilitate visual data exploration and allow the use of diverse interaction modalities by multiple users at different distances from the screen. Yet, how to offer multiple interaction modalities is a non-trivial problem. We conducted an elicitation study with 20 participants that generated 1015 interaction proposals combining touch, speech, pen, and mid-air gestures. Given the opportunity to interact using these four 13 modalities, participants preferred speech interaction in 10 of 15 14 low-level tasks and direct manipulation for straightforward tasks 15 such as showing a tooltip or selecting. In contrast to previous work, 16 participants most favored unimodal and personal interactions. We 17 identified what we call collaborative synonyms among their interaction proposals and found that pairs of users collaborated either unimodally and simultaneously or multimodally and sequentially. We provide insights into how end-users associate visual exploration tasks with certain modalities and how they collaborate at different interaction distances using specific interaction modalities. The supplemental material is available at