Situated Visualization of Photovoltaic Module Performance for Workforce Development
Nicholas Brunhart-Lupo - National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, United States
Kenny Gruchalla - National Renewable Energy Lab, Golden, United States
Laurie Williams - Fort Lewis College, Durango, United States
Steve Ellis - Fort Lewis College, Durango, United States
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Room: Bayshore VI
2024-10-14T16:00:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page
The rapid growth of the solar energy industry requires advanced educational tools to train the next generation of engineers and technicians. We present a novel system for situated visualization of photovoltaic (PV) module performance, leveraging a combination of PV simulation, sun-sky position, and head-mounted augmented reality (AR). Our system is guided by four principles of development: simplicity, adaptability, collaboration, and maintainability, realized in six components. Users interactively manipulate a physical module's orientation and shading referents with immediate feedback on the module's performance.