IEEE VIS 2024 Content: Towards a Progressive Open Source Framework for SciVis and InfoVis

Towards a Progressive Open Source Framework for SciVis and InfoVis

Charles Gueunet - Kitware SAS, Lyon, France

François Mazen - Kitware Europe, Villeurbanne, France

Room: Bayshore VII

Monday, October 14th, 2024 @ 12:30GMT+00:00Change your timezone on the schedule page
4 months agoYour current time: Tuesday, Feb 25th @ 20:45

In a world where data has become too large for direct human perception, scientists have developed methods for specific data exploration. Until recently, two main methodologies were used for their exploration: scientific visualization (SciVis) for data with inherent geometry (simulation/acquisition) and information visualization (InfoVis) for abstract data. Though these fields evolved in parallel, sharing journals and conferences, they had distinct challenges, methodologies, and experts. Recently, a visible transition has begun, with the two communities converging, exemplified by IEEE VIS conference removing distinct categories. In this context, we propose a high-level discussion on an open-source framework widely used in SciVis and how progressive processing and visualization could help bringing its abilities to InfoVis.