UADAPy: An Uncertainty-Aware Visualization and Analysis Toolbox
Patrick Paetzold - University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
David Hägele - University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Marina Evers - University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Daniel Weiskopf - University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Oliver Deussen - University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
Room: Bayshore VI
2024-10-14T12:30:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page
Current research provides methods to communicate uncertainty and adapts classical algorithms of the visualization pipeline to take the uncertainty into account. Various existing visualization frameworks include methods to present uncertain data but do not offer transformation techniques tailored to uncertain data. Therefore, we propose a software package for uncertainty-aware data analysis in Python (UADAPy) offering methods for uncertain data along the visualization pipeline.We aim to provide a platform that is the foundation for further integration of uncertainty algorithms and visualizations. It provides common utility functionality to support research in uncertainty-aware visualization algorithms and makes state-of-the-art research results accessible to the end user. The project is available at