VGTC Visualization Awards
Test of Time Awards
Test of Time Award (10 Year)
Test of Time Award - IEEE VAST 2014 Paper
Test of Time Award (20 Year)
Test of Time Award - IEEE INFOVIS 2004 Paper
In their seminal work entitled "A Comparison of the Readability of Graphs Using Node-Link and Matrix-Based Representations", Mohammad Ghoniem, Jean-Daniel Fekete, and Philippe Castagliola helped to set the stage for empirical work to evaluate readability in graph visualization. Based on a set of carefully defined, generic tasks, as well as three-times-three synthetic test graphs, they compared an adjecency matrix based visualization to the omni-present node-link diagram with a spring-embedder layout. Finding arguments for both visualization approaches, depending on the task at hand, this work has resulted in long-lasting impact on related visualization research in the last 20 years, comprising an important early milestone upon which a large number of important follow-up studies have been conducted.
Test of Time Award (10 Year)
Test of Time Award - IEEE INFOVIS 2014 Paper
Already 10 years ago, Alexander Lex, Nils Gehlenborg, Hendrik Strobelt, Romain Vuillemot, and Hanspeter Pfister contributed "UpSet: Visualization of Intersecting Sets" to the IEEE InfoVis community, spawning an extraordinary run of success with their work. Their approach to represent sets, their intersections and their aggregations in a smart tabular layout, paired with highly effective interaction mechanisms, including means to sort and query the data, got highly appreciated on an impressive scale, also far beyond the realm of visualization research, importantly supported and facilitated by the authors' approach to open science and reproducibility. This work is one of very few with a large four-digit number of citations of which a large share is found in other fields of science, making use of UpSet for data visualization. Besides being a wonderful showcase of highly successful visualization research, this work also takes an important place emphasizing the role and potential of interaction in visualization.
Test of Time Award (25 Year)
Test of Time Award - IEEE VIS 1999 Paper
Test of Time Award (13 Year)
Test of Time Award - IEEE SciVis 2011 Paper
Test of Time Award (12 Year)
Test of Time Award - IEEE SciVis 2012 Paper
Best Papers/Posters Awards
Paper Award
Full Papers Best Paper
Entanglements for Visualization: Changing Research Outcomes through Feminist Theory
Paper Award
Full Papers Best Paper
Aardvark: Composite Visualizations of Trees Time-Series and Images
Paper Award
Full Papers Best Paper
VisEval: A Benchmark for Data Visualization in the Era of Large Language Models
Paper Award
Full Papers Best Paper
VADIS: A Visual Analytics Pipeline for Dynamic Document Representation and Information Seeking
Paper Award
Full Papers Best Paper
Rapid and Precise Topological Comparison with Merge Tree Neural Networks
Paper Award
Short Papers Best Paper
Hypertrix: An indicatrix for high-dimensional visualizations
Paper Award
Short Papers Best Paper
PyGWalker: On-the-fly Assistant for Exploratory Visual Data Analysis
Paper Award
VIS Best Poster
Transformer Explainer: Interactive Learning of Text-Generative Models
Paper Award
Full Papers Honorable Mention
From Instruction to Insight: Exploring the Semantic and Functional Roles of Text in Interactive Dashboards
Paper Award
Full Papers Honorable Mention
AdversaFlow: Visual Red Teaming for Large Language Models with Multi-Level Adversarial Flow
Paper Award
Full Papers Honorable Mention
Touching the Ground: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Data Physicalizations for Spatial Data Analysis Tasks
Paper Award
Full Papers Honorable Mention
Beyond Correlation: Incorporating Counterfactual Guidance to Better Support Exploratory Visual Analysis
Paper Award
Full Papers Honorable Mention
PREVis: Perceived Readability Evaluation for Visualizations
Paper Award
Full Papers Honorable Mention
Talk to the Wall: The Role of Speech Interaction in Collaborative Visual Analytics
Paper Award
Full Papers Honorable Mention
Manipulable Semantic Components: a Computational Representation of Data Visualization Scenes
Paper Award
Full Papers Honorable Mention
Guided Health-related Information Seeking from LLMs via Knowledge Graph Integration
Paper Award
Full Papers Honorable Mention
Learnable and Expressive Visualization Authoring Through Blended Interfaces
Paper Award
Full Papers Honorable Mention
When Refreshable Tactile Displays Meet Conversational Agents: Investigating Accessible Data Presentation and Analysis with Touch and Speech
Paper Award
Full Papers Honorable Mention
"I Came Across a Junk": Understanding Design Flaws of Data Visualization from the Public's Perspective
Paper Award
Full Papers Honorable Mention
Dynamic Color Assignment for Hierarchical Data
Paper Award
Full Papers Honorable Mention
Visual Support for the Loop Grafting Workflow on Proteins
Paper Award
Full Papers Honorable Mention
CataAnno: An Ancient Catalog Annotator to Uphold Annotation Unification by Relevant Recommendation
Paper Award
Short Papers Honorable Mention
The Comic Construction Kit: An Activity for Students to Learn and Explain Data Visualizations
Paper Award
Short Papers Honorable Mention
Visualizations on Smart Watches while Running: It Actually Helps!
Paper Award
Short Papers Honorable Mention
A Ridge-based Approach for Extraction and Visualization of 3D Atmospheric Fronts
Paper Award
VIS Posters Honorable Mention
Visual Stenography: Feature Recreation and Preservation in Sketches of Line Charts
Paper Award
VIS Posters Honorable Mention
Visual Analysis of Motion for Camouflaged Object Detection
Academy Inductees
VIS Academy
IEEE Visualization Academy
To Be Announced